The publication treates  at the same time dropping out as a process, case or even decision, early school leaving as a statistical notion; and through a few example  and best practices mostly speaks about those tools, methods and possibilities which help us to avoid them.

    The CroCooS project coordinated by the Tempus Public Foundation was established in order to learn more about the international experiences and to apply them in the East-Central Europe region.  In the  publication are presented the results of the project, and beside this numerous best practices carried out by teachers and youth assistants through international cooperation in the field of preventing early school leaving with the support of the EU  Erasmus+ programme.

    You can download the publication in Hungarian language here: Prevention of Early School Leaving in Erasmus+ Programmes

    Every Student Matters!

    The publication contains the implementation results of a project titled “Crosssectoral cooperation focused solutions for preventing early school leaving” (CroCooS). It lasted from the spring of 2014 to the spring of 2017, and was co-funded by the European Commission. This was a three-year-long strong cooperation among three Eastern Central-European countries – Serbia, Slovenia, and Hungary – with the support of some Danish and Dutch colleagues.

    The main objective of the cooperation was to develop an early warning system (EWS) on an institutional level in 15 pilot schools, and examine its applicability with a randomized controlled trial, with the aim of enriching the common European knowledge in the field of preventing early school leaving.

    For more information about the project, click here.

    Education and Training Monitor Hungary 2016

    List of researches and studies in 2015 in the working group of the National Institute of Vocational and Adult Education:

    The emergence and historical development of dual vocational education and training
    The development of adult education institutions and their role in preserving identity until nowadays in Hungarian-populated areas
    Comparative analysis of normative grants for practical training and the actual costs of practical training
    The recommendation of county development and training committees
    Mapping of simultaneous trainings and small-sized professional training sessions in a school system-based training
    Examination of the structural shift of the institutional network of vocational education and training
    Forecasts on the demand for skilled and unskilled physical labour
    The role of professional organisations in the regulation of the content of vocational education and training
    Tracking the reorganisation of the institutional system of vocational education and training subsequent to being taken under national management
    The situation of the reorganisation of Regional Integrated Vocational Training Centres (TISZK) based on new legislative changes

    The entire research and study corpus is available at the Library of the National Institute of Vocational and Adult Education and may be electronically requested at the following e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    H-1085 Baross street 52.
    Budapest, Hungary

    Phone: (+36 1) 477-5600

    Email:  gomorineoj@nive.hu

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