
The National Observatory in Hungary was established in 1995 based on the initiatives of the European Training Foundation (ETF). The National Institute of Vocational and Adult Education (NIVE), as the responsible national authority for the development and research activities in VET, maintains and operates the Observatory.

The National Observatory in Hungary works close with the competent ministries responsible for tasks related to VET and the labour market, with the social partners, and regional institutions involved in VET development.

The objective of the National Observatory in Hungary is to gather information on the VET system and related labour market needs, analyse data resources and make them available for partners.

The Observatory receives information, via ETF, on operating VET practices within the European Union. The EU links relevant institutions and organisations of member states, and help in their efforts to improve their reforms in VET through their network.

The National Observatory in Hungary contributes to the developments in the Hungarian VET system with performing the following activities:

  • Defining information resources
  • Collecting and analysing information
  • Writing reports and studies on recent developments in VET regularly
  • Forwarding relevant information on VET to other national authorities and organisations
  • Defining good practices based on case studies
  • Connecting national initiatives in VET
  • Working together with other operating Observatories
  • Supporting information flow between labour market needs and VET
  • Defining future trends and possibilities in VET policy-making
  • Supporting areas of bilateral and multilateral cooperation
  • Defining fields of developments in VET

Contact details

National Observatory in Hungary
Magyar Nemzeti Observatory
H-1085 Budapest, Baross u. 52.
Tel.: (06-1) 434-5700; Fax: (06-1) 210-1063
E-mail: Ez az e-mail-cím a szpemrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.
