There is a need for trainings expected by the economy

    For the future of the Hungarian economy and for the building of the work-based society one of the main tasks is the provision of quality training, the education of skilled workers, said the State Secretary for Labour Market and Training of the Ministry for National Economy on Tuesday, at Nagykanizsa.

    At the conference organised by the Ministry for National Economy, the National Office of Vocational Education and Training and Adult Learning, as well as the Nagykanizsa Vocational Education and Training Centre, Péter Cseresnyés declared that there is a need to provide basic knowledge which may constitute the basis for lifelong learning.

    There is a need to provide competitive knowledge and skills, that is the reason why the trainings, the curricula and the institutional network have been changing, indicated the State Secretary.

    He added that within the framework of the ten-year programme, the institutional network would be reformed; as a first step, HUF 10 billion would be spent in order to “provide 21st century frameworks to vocational education and training”. Not only the buildings, but also the content must change, therefore from the current school year the students and the teachers have a choice in terms of certain lesson frameworks and subjects. For instance, they can acquire new curricula such as financial literacy or blind typing skills, he said.

    In his opinion, the dual training system has redeemed hopes, today nearly 60 thousand people have training contracts, the companies, the schools and also the parents see the potential in those contracts. In the forthcoming period, the companies will have the opportunity to develop apprentice workshops as well, within the framework of call for tenders.

    “We would like to make adult training more dynamic”, the companies may provide the premises for that, the small companies may organise their internal trainings in such a way, and the training centres of large multinational companies may also provide external trainings, explained Péter Cseresnyés.

    According to the politician, the parents should be made aware of the fact that a motivated, well-skilled professional who is willing to work can ensure “at least such a good existence for him- or herself, or even a better one” that a less successful person working in white-collar jobs.

    Gáborné Pölöskei, Deputy State Secretary for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Training of the Ministry for National Economy said: the percentage of people enrolling into schools decreases by approximately two percent each year. Almost 10 years ago 40 percent of them opted for grammar school, 60 percent chose vocational training, now the percentage is fifty-fifty.

    In Austria 23 percent of children go to grammar school, and the percentage in Europe also varies around 20 percent. At the labour market, those who have only passed their school-leaving examination suffer a particular disadvantage, whereas the demand for technicians is even higher than the demand for those who have a higher education degree, she added.

    The Irinyi plan also specifies the sectors to be developed, which must be taken into consideration in education. Those sectors include the automotive industry, the health economy and the tourism sector, the economics or the construction industry, she noted. 

    She said that during the transformation of vocational education and training, the next step would be the reform of the content of the vocational grammar school system. This includes the development of a “free spectrum” and increasing the flexibility of the education system, which means alternative curricula (a total of 18) for instance in the building engineer, the chemist, the construction industry, the economic, the commercial and the tourism professions, which have partially appeared in the current school year in education, she said.

    The sectoral framework curricula would be completed by trainings or skills-related subjects such as career coaching, the possibility of obtaining the driving licence or the ethical entrepreneurship and financial literacy skills, she explained. While adapting to the needs of the companies, adult training must also be made faster and more flexible. To foster that, sectoral skills councils would also be established with the support and coordination of the chambers, she announced.

    She added that each vocational education and training centre would have a contact officer who would liaise with the companies, the competent chamber and also with the primary schools of the region. The National Qualifications Register must also be revised, there is a need for sectoral basic NQRs, rather than continuously extending the register that already contains approximately 700 professions, said the Deputy State Secretary.

    For further information, please click on the following: Ministry for National Economy


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    Budapest, Hungary

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