Ministry for National Economy, State Secretary for Vocational Training and the Labour Market

    The state under-secretary responsible for the labour market and training elaborates propositions relevant to the conciliation of interests, social dialogue operating on a national, sectorial and workplace level. Keeps contact with social partners, provides for the performance of tasks related to social dialogue and the conciliation of interests, represents the Government and the Ministry in forums of social dialogue, committees and the events of social partners. As a permanent representative of the Government, participates at the meetings of the National Conciliation Council for Public Services and the National Work Council of Public Servants. In addition, the under-secretary participates in the elaboration of the employment policy of the Government, performs tasks related to the coordination of employment policies, manages work related to the provision of the unemployed, subsidies enabling employment, labour market services, the development of adult learning, vocational education and training and labour market training. Performs the professional preparation of legislation relevant to the field, controls the performance of tasks related to the country’s EU membership, including tasks in connection with the Employment Committee of the European Union and other relevant EU-level committees. Takes part in the performance of tasks related to the Europe 2020 Strategy and the European Semester.

    Educational Authority

    The Authority, as part of its regulated authority legal status performs tasks related to the recognition of foreign certificates, tasks related to general education. Keeps the authority register of state-maintained institutions under the control of the state institution managing centre, as well as the registry of higher education institutions. Performs data management tasks of the information system of general education. Operates the higher education information system. Responsible for the management of the central higher education admission procedure. Performs tasks related to the records of the fulfilment of the conditions of the Hungarian State (partial) stipend. Approves forms used in higher education and performs authority audits. Performs state tasks related to foreign language examinations as well as tasks related to content and methodology research and development in general, higher and vocational education. Operates the National Contact Point for the European Qualification Framework, and also performs tasks related to the central coordination of the Hungarian Qualification Framework.

    Educational Research and Development Institute

    The Educational Research and Development Institute (OFI) is a background organisation of the Ministry of Education and Culture. The institution is involved in research, development and services in the field of general and higher education, with responsibilities determined by the ever changing needs of a diverse, multi-player system of education. The institute pursues a number of research projects aimed to support the improvement of the system of general and higher education. Research activities involve other interdisciplinary and pedagogical research and analysis serving as the foundation of developing education as well as supporting the Minister of Education and Culture in performing his legal obligations. The Institute also publishes a report "Education in Hungary". The Institute is engaged in research and development activities in public and higher education and in related areas and its activities include pre-school, primary and secondary education, higher education as well as lifelong learning. The Institute's responsibilities further involve the education of students with special needs, the education of the Roma minority, developing programmes providing equal chances and doing research and development that aim to modernise the content and methods of school education and adult education.

    The institute has a long tradition of research on vocational education in Hungary. In this context our researchers have carried out extensive analysis of recruiting students to vocational education, of the performance of the network of vocational institutions, the territorial and organizational relations of these institutions related lifelong learning taking into account the strategic and development aspects of improving vocational training as well. The institute has a separate unit of vocational education research.

    Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

    The most important task of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the improvement of entrepreneurial environment in the competition for markets. The Chamber’s goal is to help the stakeholders of the economy by analyses, trends, studies, suggestions, business contacts, legal- tax- and other consultation. The Chamber is deeply embedded in society on a European level, rich in values and serves as a compass in every stages of capital’s economic and social life. The Chamber participates in preparation of legal issues regarding economy, in creation of enterprise development programmes and in their implementation. At the same time the Chamber has an important role in market access of companies of Central Economic Region and in development of conditions of entrepreneurial environment to EU-level.


    Ø  keeping record and supervision of student contracts and cooperation agreements

    Ø  complex professional and authority audit and supervision of practical training based on nationally approved, uniformed criteria, keeping record of practical training places

    Ø  organization of practical level examinations

    Ø  chamber nomination, delegation to vocational examination boards, performance of related tasks, random check of vocational examinations

    Ø  organization of vocational skills competitions

    Ø  organization of master craftsman training and examinations

    Ø  modernization and maintenance of qualifications in the scope of the Chamber

    Ø  performance of tasks related to the operation of a labour market-oriented vocational education and training system

    Ø  performance of tasks related to career guidance

    Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture

    The Budapest and territorial chambers are the members of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture. The 20 territorial chambers are also public bodies. Their members are the economic organisations with agricultural, forestry, fishery and hunting activity on voluntary basis including the related processing, trading and servicing activities as well. Nowadays the agricultural chambers have 11 000 voluntary members of which one third is primary producer, one third is individual farmer and one third is economic organisation with legal entity. The members represent 60 %  of the total agricultural output. The Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture takes part in the work of the National Council of Vocational Education and Training, in co-operation with the territorial chambers controls the practical training places, co-ordinates the tasks related to the master examination and certificates , keeps contact with the foreign agricultural chambers and international organisations, develops the system of the member registration, prepares the rules related to the fair market behaviour, organises exhibitions and fairs, develops the general rules of delivering and verification of certificates of origin and other documents necessary for trade. The Chamber represents its members in the state financial funds, reports on the agricultural legislation and programme documents of the government and initiates amendments according to the rules of the law

    The Chamber is also responsible for the following tasks:

    • Takes part in the work of the National Council of Professional Training

    ·      In co-operation with the territorial chambers controls the practical training places

    ·      Co-ordinates the tasks related to the master examination and certificates

    ·      Keeps contact with the foreign agricultural chambers and international organisations

    ·      Develops the system of the member registration,

    ·      Prepares the rules related to the fair market behaviour

    ·      Organises exhibitions and fairs,

    ·      Develops the general rules of delivering and verification of certificates of origin and other documents necessary for trade

    ·      Represents its members in the state financial funds

    ·     Organises and co-ordinates the preparation of agricultural producers for EU accession

    • Reports on the agricultural legislation and programme documents of the government and initiates amendments according to the rules of the law.

    Confederation of Hungarian Employers and Industrialists, BUSINESSHUNGARY

    The Confederation of Hungarian Employers and Industrialists is a national economic business federation of the employers, which was founded by the member organizations of the Hungarian economy. Its commission is to function in economic, professional activities, to function as a business federation, to protect, convey and harmonize interests and to develop the Hungarian economy and the international economic relations.

    The purpose of the Confederation of Hungarian Employers and Industrialists is to function as a business federation and an enforcer of interests that helps the development of the economy and society in such a way that it establishes the realization of economic interests and interests of employers and during this work the organization establishes the representation of the capital in Hungary. This will be done by reclining upon a base of members which is as wide as possible. MGYOSZ/BUSINESSHUNGARY’s main priority is to enforce the economic and the employers’ interests of its members in the institutions of the European Union.

    Basic activities of MGYOSZ/BUSINESSHUNGARY

    • Representing the interests of professional organizations of entrepreneurs and employers
    • Teaching in courses, complementary activities to teaching
    • Translation, interpretation, vetting, editing
    • Organization of scientific professional events, shows and exhibitions
    • Consulting of business management in relation to human resource, manpower
    • Program coordination
    • Publicity-marketing activities, advertisement

    Ottó Herman Institute

    The Institute actively takes part in rural and areal development, training and counselling. The Institute is also responsible for the implementation of the National Rural Development Programme co-founded by the European Agricultural and Rural Development Fund, provides professional, methodological and information background for its measures. The Institute is also responsible for the monitoring and planning of domestic and EU rural development programmes, performs tasks related to the calls of rural development projects, operates a grant system and checks the implementation.


    In terms of training, the Institute has a decade-long experience. In training in the agricultural sector the institute publishes textbooks, prepares examination topics, the examinations are supervised by experts delegated by the Institute. In training within the school-system the transmission of modern knowledge is of utmost importance, therefore the Institute incorporates the latest scientific and professional achievements in their textbooks.

    The Institute has a national scope in professional counselling, maintains the list of experts and also operates the compulsory training structure relevant to the counsellor system. From January 1, 2015 the scientific journals of the Ministry of Rural Development are published by the Institute.

    Hungarian Central Statistical Office, HCSO – Living Conditions, Labour Market and Education Statistics Department)

    The Office design and conduct surveys, recording, processing and storing data, data analyses- and dissemination, protection of individual data. The Office provides data for the parliament and public administration, social organizations, local authorities, scientific bodies, economic organizations, the general public and the media as well as for international organizations and users abroad. Official data regarding the socio-economic situation as well as the changes in the population of the country are published by the HCSO. It operates the Hungarian Central Statistical Office Library.

    Association of National Adult Learning Experts

    The Association of National Adult Learning Experts (FSZOE) is a national, self-governing, politically independent representative and professional counselling association. The Association facilitates organised framework for social-professional collaboration of Hungarian experts in the field of adult education and training. By exchanging ideas and forming professional opinion, the Association helps the management process of adult education and training, update and correct its institutional and legal background continuously. The Association provides professional representation of interest and also serves as a catalyst for professional development to its members.

    University of Debrecen Faculty of Humanities –Andragogy

    The University of Debrecen is the country's oldest institution of higher education in continuous operation in the same city ever since its foundation. Having been classified as a "University of National Excellence" and offering the highest number of academic programmes in the country, the university is an outstanding cultural and intellectual centre officially considered one of the best universities in Hungary. The university's widespread potential of education, research and innovation has a significant impact on the social, cultural and economic development of the North Great Plain Region; therefore, the university considers quality training and support to knowledge-based economy and society a strategic objective. More than 1000 lecturers with doctoral degrees (PhD), 25 doctoral schools, and the volume of internationally renowned research publications and projects attest to the scientific dominance of the University of Debrecen. 140 of the lecturers and researchers have the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Doctorate and 28 are members of the Academy.

    The university is a renowned research centre, accounting for 14-15% of the research volume carried out in Hungarian higher education. With its annual R&D&I income of about 17 million EUR, the University of Debrecen is one of the most rapidly developing knowledge centres in Central and Eastern Europe.

    The department of andragogy trains professionals dealing with adult learning. The training involves pedagogy, psychology, law, economics, sociology, besides providing for teaching skills for adult learners, teaching material development, teaching organization, counselling, group organization and conflict management.

    Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Education and Psychology – Andragogy

    Eötvös Loránd University is internationally recognized and its programs are accredited by the Hungarian Accreditation Board. The diplomas issued by Eötvös Loránd University are acknowledged worldwide, and its course credits are transferable in all countries in the European Union. Over the last hundred years, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) has had many world famous scientists and four Nobel Prize laureates among its teachers and alumni. The current number of students enrolled yearly has reached 28,000, and there is academic staff of 1,800 highly-qualified teachers and researchers. Currently, the university has eight faculties: Education and Psychology, Humanities, Informatics, Law, Primary and Pre-School Education, Science, Social Sciences, and the Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education.

    The Faculty of Humanities is the oldest faculty of Eötvös Loránd University. Besides the 59 bachelor majors of the Faculty of Humanities at present we also have 78 accredited master’s, and this provides an excellent opportunity to proceed to a master’s degree. In PhD training we have 71 doctoral programmes, and we issue 8-10 per cent of all PhD degrees in Hungary. Andragogy training is aimed to train experts who, based on their adult learning, psychology, law, economics and sociology studies as well as their knowledge on state, municipal, entrepreneurial and NGO actors and institutions and the relation between the labour market and job-seeking are able to fulfil planning, organizing, evaluator or animator or counselling jobs in cultural, adult learning and labour market organizations, public education, public collections, at settlements, in NGOs and communities as well as in different areas of adult learning.

    Democratic League of Independent Trade Unions

    The 100 member organizations of LIGA are present everywhere in the country, both in terms of geography and sector. The membership of LIGA is comprised of 120 thousand organized employees working in all spheres of life, both in the public and the private sector.

    The main task of LIGA Trade Unions is to improve the life and work conditions and social security of employees both in the public and the private sector. The main aims are to improve the remuneration of employees, their job security and their working conditions, making regulations related to employment more favourable, while establishing and developing working connections already operating in modern democracies, and for these purposes represent employee interests on a national level.

    Liga Trade Unions initiates continuous mutual talks with employers, launching joint programmes and within mutual agreements implement programmes for the benefit of both employers and employees. LIGA has strong international relations: being a member of the European Trade Union Association, as a social partner of the EU is able to influence EU level decision-making. LIGA is also a member of the OECD Trade Union Counselling Body (TUAC) and as a member of the National ILO Council, contributes to its work.

    National Office of Vocational Education and Training and Adult Learning (NOVETAL)

    Address: 1089 Budapest, Kálvária tér 7.
    Post-office box: 1437 Budapest, Pf: 760.
    Phone: (06-1) 303-9300
    E-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Facebook: ReferNet-Hungary

    The activities of ReferNet in Hungary fall into three main categories:

    • Information collection, analysis and research in the field of national vocational education and training and related policy
      Based on the guidelines previously established by Cedefop, the members of the international ReferNet network report on the current state of national vocational education and training and related policy in the form of annual reports. 
    • Data collection and information dissemination
      ReferNet Hungary plays an important role in the collection and dissemination of information related to domestic adult and vocational education.


    • Dissemination and promotion activities
      The members of the ReferNet Hungary network help the research activities, events and decisions related to vocational education and training within the EU, as well as the activity of Cedefop and the general issues of vocational education and training to receive greater publicity in Hungary.

    Ildikó Modláné Görgényi

    National ReferNet expert

    Eszter Karvázy

    National ReferNet expert

    Judith Gömöriné Olasz

    National ReferNet project coordinator

    Fanni Németvölgyi

    National ReferNet project coordinator assistant

    Enikő Osváthné Kovács  

    National ReferNet project coordinator assistant

    Zsuzsa Török 

    National ReferNet project coordinator assistant

    Documentation and dissemination of information

    Like other members of the international ReferNet Network, ReferNet Hungary takes part in the following documentation and dissemination activities:

    • Documentation

    ReferNet Hungary performs the following documentation tasks with the purpose of collecting selected documentation and of issuing relevant, comprehensive and up-to-date information on Hungarian vocational training and education for Cedefop's information services

    • Development of the VET-Bib bibliographic database, including VET-eLib (electronic library) and VET-iR (internet resources) databases. Preparing bibliographic data and English language abstracts on recently published and unpublished professional literature touching on vocational education and training-related subjects in Hungary:

           books and other published material, including laws, regulations, standards, official reports, conference publications, etc.;

           unpublished accessible material (”grey literature”);

           articles published in professional journals;

           audiovisual material (particularly learning aids);

           electronic documents (materials on CD-ROM, magnetic disc; on the internet, etc.);

           internet resources (websites, databases).

    Indexation is prepared with the use of the descriptors of the European Training Thesaurus.

    The VET-Bib and other bibliographic databases developed through the joint work of ReferNet members and Cedefop are available at the following website:


    ·         Information dissemination

    ReferNet Hungary performs the following dissemination tasks with the purpose of familiarising Cedefop's activities and information products and facilitating the spread of its results as well as supporting Cedefop’s promotional activities. Please click on the following titles if you are interested in reading the detailed description of the tasks.

    o    Information dissemination at national level

    Regular information dissemination and distribution of publications and other products in order to support the dissemination and awareness-raising efforts made by Cedefop at national level.

    ReferNet Hungary mainly disseminates information through the ReferNet mailing list, the Hungarian ReferNet website and newsletter, as well as through the websites, newsletters and other publications of the members of the national consortium.

    o    Press releases


    Translating and disseminating Cedefop's press releases at national level; through the website and mailing list. You may read Cedefop's press releases in Hungarian and in English.

    H-1085 Baross street 52.
    Budapest, Hungary

    Phone: (+36 1) 477-5600


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