The 15th ReferNet annual Plenary meeting will welcome the 30 partners under the 2016-19 Framework Partnership Agreement, as well as the National representatives for ReferNet.
The meeting will aim at informing on the latest EU VET policy developments, preparing the 2018 Work plan and sharing experience on the scope and process of validation. VET policy reporting, VET in Europe country reports, the opinion survey on VET in the member States, VET terminology, optimising the dissemination of VET-related information and several other topics will feature on the agenda. Various cooperation models such as knowledge-sharing on EU VET policies, peer review, hands-on workshops and joint reflection will be used.
The annual meeting also offers a space for opening new channels of cooperation and communication between partners.
Take part in the discussion #refernet
The event is part of the European vocational skills week 2017 of which Cedefop is a partner. #EUVocationalSkills
For further information, please click on the following: ReferNet annual Plenary meeting 2017