Documentation and dissemination of information


Documentation and dissemination of information

Like other members of the international ReferNet Network, ReferNet Hungary takes part in the following documentation and dissemination activities:

ReferNet Hungary performs the following documentation tasks with the purpose of collecting selected documentation and of issuing relevant, comprehensive and up-to-date information on Hungarian vocational training and education for Cedefop's information services

       books and other published material, including laws, regulations, standards, official reports, conference publications, etc.;

       unpublished accessible material (”grey literature”);

       articles published in professional journals;

       audiovisual material (particularly learning aids);

       electronic documents (materials on CD-ROM, magnetic disc; on the internet, etc.);

       internet resources (websites, databases).

Indexation is prepared with the use of the descriptors of the European Training Thesaurus.

The VET-Bib and other bibliographic databases developed through the joint work of ReferNet members and Cedefop are available at the following website:


·         Information dissemination

ReferNet Hungary performs the following dissemination tasks with the purpose of familiarising Cedefop's activities and information products and facilitating the spread of its results as well as supporting Cedefop’s promotional activities. Please click on the following titles if you are interested in reading the detailed description of the tasks.

o    Information dissemination at national level

Regular information dissemination and distribution of publications and other products in order to support the dissemination and awareness-raising efforts made by Cedefop at national level.

ReferNet Hungary mainly disseminates information through the ReferNet mailing list, the Hungarian ReferNet website and newsletter, as well as through the websites, newsletters and other publications of the members of the national consortium.

o    Press releases


Translating and disseminating Cedefop's press releases at national level; through the website and mailing list. You may read Cedefop's press releases in Hungarian and in English.